5 Ways To Avoid That Winter Workout Rut Page Five

3 min read
  • Even the most motivated of us out there face the challenge of training when its Winter
  • The urge is real to just hibernate when the colder months roll around – either with the temptation of good TV or not really wanting to face the freezing temperatures
  • So how do you avoid the winter workout rut? Jason England goes through five ways
workout in the winter

In the words of Eddard Stark: “Winter is coming.” And when the year draws to a close, it becomes tricky to stay committed to fitness.

No matter what we tell ourselves, even the most committed amongst us start to skip the odd workout – usually because of the sheer temperature drop…

But shorter days don’t have to mean shorter workouts, so here are 5 ways to avoid that winter workout rut.

1. Grab some new gear

winter workout clothes

Chances are your workout wardrobe is 100% on point for summer, so you’re never going to wear those shorts out when temperatures approach zero.

Take a look in your local sports shop and invest in the correct gear for when the cold arrives. Stock up on some trousers and long sleeve tops, and get back out there.

It doesn’t have to be too expensive, but just something. The monetary investment will push you to make your purchases worthwhile!

2. Set yourself a big goal

pistol squat

All the time, we talk about setting small goals building up to your big payoff. But instead, you’ve got to change up the way you think.

Think up a goal that involves an accomplishment set in stone – be it getting strong enough to do some crazy exercise like a pistol squat or handstand push up, or hitting a certain weight goal.

After this, plot out your journey towards it – being specific about what to do to get there.

3. Refresh your workout playlists

working out with music

Let’s be honest – chances are you’ve got sick and tired of that same playlist you’ve listened to with every workout. Time to change that up!

Whether it’s the most motivating of EDM or crushing power of metal, there’s no such thing as the perfect playlist for all of your life. When it comes to music, humans don’t work on repetition. Variety is the spice of life.

So pop back onto your Spotify account and give your playlists a complete refresh.

4. Change up your diet


The same with your music, variety of food is needed to keep you motivated too. Winter is usually the time you sit back and eat belly-warming food. So replicate that feeling in your diet.

Nothing wrong with a good hearty soup… What about a hot cuppa coffee packed with protein?

The regular problem we hear about from customers is their diet becomes a chore at the end of the year – so let’s make it a little easier for you.

5. Discover your “why”


Now I’m not going to waste your time with some hippy, mindful “find your life purpose” stuff here. All I’m going to say is simply ask yourself one question – why?

Why are you doing what you do? Why do you want to get ripped? Why do you want to shed those extra pounds?

Maybe it’s because of one silly throwaway comment from somebody… Maybe it’s to impress that special someone in your life, or even just get their attention… Whatever it is, keep that reason in your mind at all times.

Nothing drives the human being more than a simple, clear and focused drive – your “why” is that drive.

Get your Winter Workout on. Your body will thank you for it… Especially when that beasty Xmas dinner comes around!



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