10 Foods You THINK Are Healthy But Really Aren’t…

5 min read

It’s fair to say that the ‘health food’ craze has swept through the UK like wildfire.

Everywhere you look you see people promoting health foods and stores stocking shelves upon shelves of health foods supposedly ‘loaded’ with nutrients ‘guaranteed’ to make you look younger, feel better, be healthier – blah blah blah.

Organic this, low fat that, no sugar here, all-natural there – it’s never ending, and the reality is, many of these ‘healthier’ options are actually highly calorific, laden with fats and contain hidden sugars.

But in a world obsessed with ‘health foods’ how do you know what you’re eating is actually good for you, and what is just as bad as munching on chocolate for breakfast?

Well… here’s the scoop on 10 foods you think are great for you, but actually aren’t…

1. Coconut oil

For starters, is there anything coconut oil can’t do? From makeup remover to moisturiser to cooking oil, it’s literally the one product you NEED in your life.

BUT, it is high in fat – good fats yes – but fat nonetheless and too much of any kind of fat in your diet is not good for your arteries or heart.

To reduce the amount of unwanted extra fat in your diet you could melt the oil down and pour it into a spray bottle and spritz onto the pan before cooking.

Or try an alternative like avocado oil.

2. Fruit Juice

Fruit juice is great way to quickly boost your antioxidant intake but, unlike a piece of whole fruit, the calories are more concentrated.

This can cause your blood sugar levels to skyrocket because your brain has been prepared for the quick calorie boost. This means insulin production and a general strain on your body.

Whole fruit is the best way to get your vitamins and minerals.

3. Granola

Hands up who loves a bowl of granola with yoghurt. Oh we do too, but unfortunately that’s not the way you’re supposed to enjoy it.

It’s apparently supposed to be yoghurt with granola.

Seriously! A serving size of granola is a quarter of a cup but most people eat much more than that.

It can also be super high in sugar so opt for wholegrain with no added sugar and watch your yoghurt to crunch ratio!

4. Fro Yo

You're probably in a lot of pain - and it's no wonder!  Your body has just been pushed to its max so don't even be tempted to run or cross train, instead:

Fro-yo is the go to frozen dessert choice for all health conscious ice-cream addicts. It tastes great and it’s lower calories than the good stuff.

But that doesn’t mean it’s good for you!

Many brands are still super high in sugar – how else do you think they get it to taste so amazing?

To help keep the calories down opt for low fat or fat free choices.

But best keep this one for the occasional dalliance rather than a regular occurrence.

5. Spreads

When the world decided all fat was bad in the 1960’s sales of spreads and margarines took off like a rocket to the moon.

Now, though, it seems these spreads aren’t actually any better to regular butter with many containing vast quantities of hydrogenated oils.

This means they’re full of trans fats, which is really bad for your cholesterol and heart.

Yes, butter is actually better!

6. Cereal

Have you ever actually read the back of a cereal pack? Do you know what the general recommended serving size is? 30g.

30 tiny grams – that wouldn’t fill your back tooth let alone fuel your morning at work. It’s only natural to eat more – and that’s ok because cereal can be part of a healthy balanced diet, right?


Many popular brands are chock full of unhealthy ingredients and overeating on the serving size means you’re probably eating way too much causing a blood sugar spike, which then forces your insulin levels to rise.

If you just can’t live without your trusty bowl in the morning, opt for wholegrain but carefully read the back of the box to ensure you’re not eating anything you really don’t want.

7. Meal Replacement Bars

These bars are apparently designed to give you all the nutrients and calories you need to replace a full meal.

But the big problem with these bars is the ingredients. Often they’re packing in the calories but don’t actually fill you up much like hydrogenated oils.

In fact, if you compare the back of a meal replacement bar and a regular chocolate bar, you’re sometimes better off just eating the chocolate!

8. Sushi

Ah sushi. So yummy. So trendy. So delicious. It is not, however, guilt free, as many people seem to believe.

It’s a great option if you’re partial to sashimi as that’s basically just pure protein, but other fancier choices can sometimes be laden with unwanted sauces, fats, sodium and unrefined white rice.

The purer, the better.

9. Smoothies

Smoothies can certainly be a healthy option if you make them yourself – that way you know exactly what’s gone into them and there are no hidden ingredients.

BUT, juice bar smoothies and ones you pick up at a restaurant can be really rather unhealthy for you often blended from fruit juices rather than whole fruits.

Then, to top it off, made with ice cream instead of ice or yoghurt – calorie overload!

10. Trail Mix

Just like a smoothie, trail mix CAN be healthy if you make it yourself but a lot of mix bough at the store has a lot of items in it that can cause the calorie count to rise really quickly.

Furthermore, dried fruits are often full of sulphites – a certain type of food preservative which doesn’t get too great a write up.

Then, to top it off, made with ice cream instead of ice or yoghurt – calorie overload!



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