What Is Muscle?

2 min read

We all know we have them,but what exactly are muscles and why do we have them?

By definition, muscle is "a band or bundle of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to contract, producing movement in or maintaining the position of parts of the body".

There are 3 types of muscle tissue :

Cardiac muscle

Located exclusively in the heart, the job of the cardiac muscle tissue is to keep the heart beating and pumping blood around the body. An involuntary muscle (controlled by the subconscious), it stimulates itself to contract.

Visceral muscle

Found inside organs such as the stomach and intestines and also blood vessels, it's the visceral muscle's job to move substances through the organ by contracting. It's also the weakest of all the muscle tissues.

Skeletal muscle

The only muscle in the body that is controlled consciously, the skeletal muscle is needed to support every physical act that a person does e.g walking, writing and speaking. Their function is to move parts of the body that are close to the bone by contracting.

How many muscles are there?

It's estimated we have over 650 muscles in our bodies, and each one is just as important as the last! As visceral muscles are cell based though, we could actually have billions of muscle cells in our bodies.

Muscles help us to move, grow and be strong and the most important muscle to keep strong and healthy is your heart. A diet rich in protein, fruits and vegetables along with regular exercise helps to keep your heart functioning properly and ensures that it's firing on all cylinders.

What is the largest muscle?

It will come as no surprise to the Kardashians, Nikki Minaj or J.Lo but to those of you unfamiliar with muscles, the largest muscle in the body is the Gluteous Maximus. Your buns have the important job of helping to keep the body upright and  supporting you when walking up the stairs.

To maximize your maximus, incorporate squats, lunges and deadlifts into your workout routine.

How Do I Build Muscle?

The best way to build muscle is by having a diet rich in protein and lifting weights. Foods such as chicken breast, steak and Greek yoghurt are packed with protein, helping you feel fuller for longer and aid recovery in muscle tissue.

Protein powders and shakes are also a great way of getting more into your diet and helps to build muscle mass. Protein also helps to fuel your body, gives you energy and maintains muscle as well as building it.

Jenny Shaw

A content and copywriter who loves the written word in all it's forms, Jenny is passionate about writing informative and factual blog posts, helping you achieve your goals.